Annual Troop 407 Fundraising Events
- Spaghetti Dinner - Spring
- Popcorn Sales - Fall
- Holiday Wreaths - Winter
The Troop holds three major annual fund raising campaigns.
Spring Spaghetti Dinner
The Spring Spaghetti Dinner is a fun event for the entire family. The Scouts serve our guests as both wait staff, and providing live entertainment for our guests. The Boys sell tickets to the dinner, and often there are two serving times to accommodate all the guests. After dinner, there is an auction/game for the deserts.
For more information about buying tickets, and having a great night-out please contact the troop.
Holiday Wreath Sales
This event is one of the Scout's most popular Fundraisers. In general, the Scouts collect Wreath orders in October, and the Wreaths are delivered the week of Thanksgiving. In past years, the Troop has sold over 200 wreaths every season. Most of the Funds from this fundraiser go directly to the boys scouting accounts. This money can be used for any scouting related expense, such as camp fees, camping and backpacking equipment, or even high adventure fees, such as Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico.
It is possible to pay for all of a Scout's Scouting expenses through Wreath sales, and several of our Scouts take full advantage of this fundraiser to allow them experience all that Scouting has to offer.
If you would like more information regarding our great Wreaths, please contact the Troop, and we will be happy to let you know when it is time to order.
Fall Popcorn Sales
The Chief Seattle Council encourages all of the Boy Scout Troops and Cub Scout Packs to sell popcorn in the Fall of each year. While a portion of the proceeds goes to the Council, the Boys also keep some of the proceeds for themselves, which can be used to pay for scouting related expenses.